
Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Global Android App Phenomenon

Pseuds bandy about the fact that we are a global village, connected by the information superhighway an event in a far away land that our ancestors would never have believed existed can affect us right in our own homes. Hence Hurricane Irene becomes akin to a global blockbuster movie with people on the edge of their seat wondering what will happen next, the credit crunch drives up the price of bananas in Sierra Leone, and the destruction of a large twin building changes the whole world forever. What else unites the world, technology of course, and nothing more so than mobile phones. From Bombay to New York , Iphone and Android phones are immensely popular, as well as the phones the apps and games for smartphones are universal in their popularity.
So is gaming a social , world encompassing phenomenon, it will be interesting for readers in technologically poor countries or travellers to those countries to write comments on this post. But speaking for connected countries the moment I realised that Angry Birds had upgraded itself from a smartphone app sensation to a phenomenon was when I worked into a small food supermarket in the small Israeli town of Haifa and saw an Angry Birds magazine. In Hebrew!

android games

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