
Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Camera and Portrait innovations for your Smartphone

A short time in the past if you went to a games arcade you could quite happily spend a few dollars having your portrait caricatured by a Camera machine with cutting edge portrait innovations, this would give you some very amusing portrait photography in the form of Water colours, cartoon style and (gasp) even a Michelangelo style. These weren't the best cameras either and you would certainly pay for the privilege of having this throwaway photo mementoe.

And in a very short space of time we have moved dramatically on! As now we have the ability to take, via our Smartphone cameras, any type of portrait in whatever style we want! It's not all gravy though as some phones of course have better cameras than others here's some stats on what are some of the most renowned  cameras on phones are at the moment:

Despite their ailing fortunes Nokia still produces some of the best cameras for phones with all sources agreeing that the Nokia N8 has the best camera ( 12mp Autofocus with a Carl Zeiss camera Lens) 

Everyone expected the iPhone 5 to come out and blow away its predecessors and were slightly disappointed that they had to settle for the iPhone 4s , which was very similar to the 4 , where it is a vast improvement though is on the phone's camera which is now an 8mp autofocus, being a big improvement on the original 5 mp, the camera app opens straight from the lock screen making speedy photography easier and also offers better low-light shots.

Apples biggest and most current rival is the well regarded Samsung Galaxy S II which also sports an 8mp camera which is great for outdoor shots and a very crisp screen to view the photos on.

With all these great cameras you need to do something a bit more special than your bog standard photos, so here are some of the best and most innovative portrait apps out at the moment to make the most of your smartphones and keep your dollars out of the arcade camera booths.

I've come across a superb photo gallery on Mashable from which I'm going to feature a few photographs and links to the apps and software used to create them. Of note is that these are all photos taken using the iPhone. Incredible photography , the whole article can be read on Mashable

Train Passenger by Peter Davis

Unbelievably snapped on a normal mornings train travel to work, the photo has been enhanced using Mill Colour a renowned app from an award winning visual effects company that allows you to manipulate an image to achieve the desired colour effect. Recommended by many professional photographers.
Mr Melancholy by Anton Kawasaki

Incredible to think that such unique portraiture is a product of a camera phone, the broodiness of this portrait is enhanced with 
CameraBag :allowing many different camera filters to be applied such as:
Italiano-with coffee hues
and many more filters, also with customization and reprocessing features.

What about some colour Gametrender?
Okay , thank Amy-Mae Elliot for this then and those crazy fools Bryan and Ola as photographed by Jim Darling

And that is why Smartphones cameras are awesome-when combined with the right apps and an artistic eye. What can you create? You're welcome to add your best-and worst- efforts in the comments section.
(Thanks to Amy-Mae Elliot for her brilliant Mashable article)

Now if serious photography is not your thing then amuse yourselves with this Cartoonize App

This and many more camera apps are freely available on iTunes.

Famous Photographers show off their Pictures on iPhone

iPhone: Helping us make sense of our times
Siri, what's happening here?
NYC-Daily Blog-features NYC as seen via iPhone lens
Soon to be famous iPhone 5 test photo?
Before iPhone , Nokia cameras ruled the world-this is worth checking out
Carrying on in the spirit of our recent coverage of photo apps we 're going to look into what famous photographers have been able to do with their pictures of note on iPhone.

Apparently the majority of Flickr upload pictures come from iPhones and since the brilliant iPhone 4s and it's renowned camera have been released that's all too sure to increase. What with the ability to resize pictures and edit pictures it's no surprise that the 'Polaroid for 2011/2012' is so popular. So what famous photo can you expect to see on this innovative phone camera?

Famous pictures taken on iPhone is actually a big topic in the news at the moment with people instantly becoming famous photographers by being in the right place at the right time: Take Stefanie Gordon for example who shot what would instantly become a world famous picture, after it was twittered, of the Space Shuttle launch.
Thanks to Stefanie Gordon we can appreciate the Shuttle launch as seen from an aeroplane.
Literally overnight she became a famous photographer and even earned some money from her opportune picture ( many would argue not enough as her famous photo was so widely circulated and not even acknowledged by some very large news companies)

Another accidentally famous photographer is Janis Krums who was again in the right place at the right time to take this photograph:
Janis Krums' 'There's a plane in the Hudson River'

The lesson to be learned here is with our iPhones and other smart phones being constantly with us and with the instant ability to edit pictures, resize pictures and indeed upload pictures: whether that be to Twitter; Facebook or to a personal email address everyone has the ability to take a great content photograph and get the news scoop which could potentially land them in the fame and fortune bracket.

These and more famous pictures taken from mobile phones are increasingly featured across the internet and are rapidly becoming a modern art form if you have a Smartphone then please join in. Gametrender welcomes any efforts you make with iPhone and Android photography and will happily share your work via our comments or even a dedicated article if your photos are awesome!

Best Photography and Photoshop for your Android

Our recent iPhone Photography articles have been really popular so let's share with our Android users too, what's the closet Photoshop type app that can be found on Android?

Believe it or not Adobe Photoshop is itself actually available for Android! With the rise of digital photography and Smartphone Cameras improving all the time , it was just a matter of time before professional photography suites made their way onto Android. So whether you're using your Android to improve a photography blog or are just looking to enquire further about online photoshop then carry on reading.

Recently released for Adobe Photoshop Express for Android is a stripped down version of the desktop photoshop product specially designed for Android .
It allows swift manipulation of photographs with expected features such as crop, straighten , adjust colour etc. all easily accessible from your phone's touchscreen.

Being very Smartphone savvy Adobe makes it easy to share your pictures with social media sites like Facebook and Twitpic (very useful as many of my nights-out pictures sent from my Android phone have looked positively garish)

Another useful feature is the online account that negates your phone's limited storage and takes your photos to the cloud allowing quick uploading to Adobe servers.

But that's only part of the story! Adobe has just released a suite of Android Tablet Applications that will take the use of Photoshop for Android to the next level.

Photoshop Touch for Android

Introducing ADOBE PHOTOSHOP TOUCH:It's with only a small stretch of the imagination that the possibilities of a Photoshop tablet app become apparent. After all with our phones smaller screens and somewhat limited processing power they won't be able to compete with the finesse of this picture manipulation app on Android tablets that have decidely bigger screens and more power.

The app features core features from the desktop version of the graphical suite but of course adds to those by using Photoshop features designed for tablet such as layers and selection tools.

Like the Android phone app images can be swiftly shared to Facebook and others. Another useful feature that would be hard for desktop photo manipulation software to emulate is the ability of the app to integrate the tablet's camera for various fill-in features. Again as with the Android Smartphone app the Adobe tablet version can also upload and backup to the Adobe Creative Cloud. As is expected many tutorials and videos accompany this high profile Android tablet Photoshop. 

New York Times expose Berlusconi on your iPhone

The New York Times app for iPhone was the first I heard of the antics of Silvio Berlusconi , researching further I can only comment on the interconnectedness of our modern phones. From reading the highbrow NY Times I dug a bit deeper to find the 'Is Berlusconi still President App' on Android which is made for the sole reason of answering the 'has he been sacked yet?' question about the notorious septuagenarian Lothario and his bunga-bunga games.

And whilst on the topic of Silvio's favourite game (please note that Berlusconi pictures haven't been printed on this article in the sake of good taste) it's doubtful that the times would be covering the Italian president's latest media venture: the Bunga-Bunga game  on flash internet game site Kongregate (remember Kongregate also has an Android app out too, Android users), again in the sake of good taste I'm not going to say much more on that topic and let you find out yourself!

Oh Dear Mr Berlusconi!
Oh and if you really must don't forget to Download 
Angry Bunga for iPhone too!

I bet Paul Krugman doesn't mention those in his NY Times articles! 

It's only in 2011/2012 that we can use our phones to not only read the latest sordid news, but also find pictures about it, blog about those crooked politicians and even play games about wicked political pensioners. Gotta love your Smartphone!
Get Highbrow again and find Silvio, Paul Krugman and more on the NYTimes Iphone App

new york times berlusconi: the times,ny times , paul krugman and silvio berlusconi,berlusconi photos

Fox current Events for your Mobile

Fox News Channel and the station have been around for a while with their 'Fair and balanced' viewpoints, Gametrender now investigates if Fox, as is current with many other news channels, is making it's way onto Mobile phones.

Being a Smartphone owner can mean many things but on the whole owning one of the most trending bits of technology available today shows that you're very much in touch with the modern world and so phenomena such as current world events are probably of interest to you. Luckily then that the Fox News Channel has a massive presence on the web and has made app specifically for your mobile device including iPhone and iPad; Android devices; Windows Phone and indeed any mobile phone that can access the internet. The iPad Fox News App in particular looks to be filled out with all that you could want in a news app:

  • 'Happening Now' channel
  • Fox News Channel Live Ticker
  • Browse through clips; articles and Fox slideshows
  • Major News events will have live coverage.
  • Have a heads up as to what's coming next on the Fox News Channel
  • The ability to listen to Fox News Radio on the go
All these mobile versions are also accompanied by the separate download of the  Fox Business App.

And if you want to educate your children as to the goings on and happenings in the world then have a look at Mickey's Weather Kids Fox's outreach to children of Alabama to get them involved with Fox, hopefully such a push will see more integration for child friendly reality shows, if not full on news shows, to let our children know a bit more about the World around them: Are there any schemes like this on Android or iPhone apps? Let us know via the comment of your favourite news app and any children friendly news apps and we'll cover them in future articles.

CNN News for your Smartphone

Continuing on from our recent article covering Fox News on Mobile and our look at Fox e News we're now going to look at what CNN News has to offer for our Smartphones.

CNN has been around for over thirty years and is seen by over 100 million American Households and broadcast in over two hundred and twelve countires ( CNN Money a spin-off is equally popular throughout the business world). It's understandable that such a widespread channel that has been at the forefront of 24/7 news for over three decades and that has been at the forefront of such modern iconic moments as the Gulf War ( not to mention the fact that it's widespread and blanket coverage of breaking news is even rumoured to instigate US Political Decisions) should certainly have a quality mobile app to go with it.

Like the Fox e News app CNN's app is freely available for most Mobile Devices (Android included) but it is the iPhone News app that has been frantically covered by the media because of its richness of features.

The CNN iPhone App is divided into four distinctive sections:
Headlines: Of course this is the expected feature of a News App, giving you access to CNN Breaking News sorted by category and with the ability to share to major social networks like Facebook

My CNN: Gives you personalization options for stories you'd like to read and the ability to save news stories for off-line reading.

Video: Giving you up to the minute content from CNN Live

iReport: Giving you the user the ability to submit photos and videos and become a citizen news reporter yourself!

A very comprehensive app that will transform the way you watch the news on your iPhone.

cnn news: cnn money, cnn breaking news and fox e news

Monday, 28 November 2011

11-11-11 Now consigned to the backpage of history

So 11-11-11 has come and gone, we're not at the backpage of the history books yet (perhaps that' saved for 2012!) Prior to the end of the world day (what's the 11-11-11 significance anyway, it's an arbitrarily defined date in the calendar which is a human construct, surely metaphysical forces don't parlay with scientists and theologians who have randomly changed our calendar over the years-in fact the addition of a leap year itself only took place a few centuries ago-so that 11-11-11 wouldn't have even taken place on the day it did if the calendar had remained the same throughout the centuries!) Well even an 11-11-11 movie is in the pipeline (by the way whose end of the world date do we conform to anyway does the world start ending in Japan and then make its way to America? And what about if my watch is set slightly off, do I get my own personal Armageddon?

Such was the hysteria surrounding the fateful day that National Escort Agency Cityvibe reported a roaring trade ,the Greek God of love, Eros , certainly stalked the streets that night  albeit in a paid for form! Cityvibe will tell you more about that,being a family friendly website we shan't say any more! (Not to be confused with CityVibe on the appstore though which gives you nice, and interesting family information.)

As a little aside if you really do want to find free love than you could do no worse than looking at the Craigslist app : Craigslist Notification for Android which will notify you of any listings of interest to you, including any type of Eros related action!

So back to that fateful day then: How can your Smartphone prepare you for any other end of the world scenarios?
Well since the 11 November 2011 has been rude enough not to have brought about the end of the world you can look forward to the next predicted, end of the world as we know it date 21 December 2012 (they could at least wait until after Christmas!) End of the World Countdown for Android will help you to count down the days until 21/12/2012 (Ooh lot's of twos in there it's got to happen for sure then!)
The Geek shall inherit the Earth!

Of course when that end of the world date also comes and goes without anything happening you could always turn your hand to fortune telling yourself and come up with your own mystical world's end date with this handy Fortune Telling App for Android: Fortune Teller for Android

Keep on gaming until then!

Buy your iPad 3 from Craigslist

As Apple lovers everywhere still eagerly await for the release of the iPhone 5, the 4s simply being a slight step ahead of the iPhone 4 and by no means an adequate substitute for 5, increasingly tech hungry people are turning to even more obscure sources such as Craigslist backpage to find the iPad 3 and more!
What with Apple being the playful marketeers that they are and keeping products under wraps with just the occasional media staged rumour to keep the smartphone and table fans salivating until the next edition of items such as the iPad are released it only takes a slight stretch of the imagination to think that Apple would start selling the iPad 3 on Craigslist or Ebay before even a media circus launch.
Of course such a thing is virtually impossible, with the billions of dollars involved in an Apple product launch even though the company likes to pull marketing stunts, this would be a stunt too far.
This hasn't however stopped numerous people from being scammed out of their money and thinking that they've found an iPad 3 on Craigslist when in reality all they've purchased is an iPad 2 or even the original iPad that if you look beneath the ipad case would probably read " jailbreak ipad".
So Apple lovers be warned the 3 iteration of the magnificent tablet is not here yet! Don't be fooled and stick to buying from reputable retailers and not the backpage of the internet!

Find the weather on iPad 2

During these days of frost and chill the weather is a topic often on our cold blue lips, with this article I hope to expose you to some of the iPad 2 weather apps that will let you know whether you should stay inside playing games or venture out.

Before I was exposed to the Apple Ipad I had some pretty funky weather apps running on my Android phone

What I most liked about the GO-WEATHER APP was the easy to use interface and the weather pictures which really added to the atmosphere of the app. At the moment Go-Weather is only available for Android, but when it comes out for Ipad I'll certainly get it,

Google weather or to be more precise Google Maps Weather is a nice little weather applet for your mac or Pc but can also be used on your Ipad 

Weather Channel-gorgeous weather animation

The Weather Channel
has got to be the premier weather app for the Ipad. Search for NY weather or FL weather or any other area you want and backed up by an outstanding team of 200+ meteorologists this iPad weather app will give you the knowledge to plan your day, week or even next hour. Do you really need an iPad 2 case , yes! as it's going to be raining in the next five minutes! Even such up to date met is accessible from this app which features, amongst other things, 

  • Latest weather news,tweets and photos
  • Footage of actual storms and breaking news video(never miss a hurricane again!)
  • Full screen weather maps that can be customised by you
  • Lovely HD photos of Weather as backgrounds

I recommend the Weather Channel but many people swear by The Weather Bug. This video compares and contrasts the two apps.

Android phone helps to choose favourite Christmas songs and Christmas Decorations

Continuing on our Android/iPhone Christmas coverage we're going to carry on looking at apps for Christmas songs and also Christmas decorations.

Let's get you in the Christmas ideas mood first with some fun and festive wallpaper for your Android Phone.
There's a huge variety of wallpaper to choose from all with a great holiday season theme.

Now it's this time of year, or three months before December if you're some of the department stores, that you need to be bringing the decorations down from the attic, dusting them off and Festivising your home. Android can help and the first way it can do that is pointing you in the direction of Christmas Shopping Discounts: Keep it with the big name stores and Download Tesco Shopping App or look for a more dedicated Christmas shopping app and go for The Days to Christmas App which puts a widget on your home screen that will count down to Christmas.

Of course while you're working hard getting your Christmas tree ready the little ones might be trying to help you. Of course if they're too little to help you than we can't just leave them to their own devices , so I recommend this Kiddie Christmas Tree App where they can decorate their own little tree on the Android Phone with jingly Christmas lyrics playing in the background (and even have an unexpected visit from Santa Claus!)

'Tis always better to give than receive and that's why we've tracked down a really nice Christmas app that will keep you in everyone's good books come boxing day. It'll be a nice reminder for the children too and that is why DROIDGIFTS should be on your app shopping list so you can keep track of all the great presents you receive and send out thankyou notes or texts

Now that You've got some great Christmas ideas for decorating and presents lets look at one last app:

Christmas Carols and Lyrics: Full Christmas Lyrics and animated words with this 16 HD Christmas song app. Have a glass or two of mulled wine and sit around the fireplace enjoying a great festive cheer.

Merry Android Christmas and keep on Gaming through the festive season.

Let your iPhone bring the bible back into Christmas

The meaning of Christmas is often forgotten but I'm hoping that one of the ways we can recapture it is by using our iPhones to find the bible in Christmas.

Our phones are often a gateway to less savoury things but there's also a strong sense of a growing movement of apps for a good purpose. If you search the words "bible app" over 22 million results come up on Google , which is an encouraging sign.

LifeChurchTv has one of the best bible apps on Itunes and it's free: This is a great start to starting to regain the meaning of Christmas. Holy Bible for iOS  . It includes many Bible reading Plans and even Audio!
Support and download this free bible app.

Daily Bible Verses and Scriptures

A lovely little app that has about 300 bible verses. It makes a lovely start to the day, reading the holy book against a beautiful landscape. A very inspirational start to the day, not just bible verses for Christmas but for every day of the year.

Simply entitled Christmas Songs
This app is described as the fun holiday song app. Whether you're out singing Carols or at home having a quaint family sing-along the app comes highly recommended. Whilst this app includes both religious and secular Christmas songs I've  still included it because what could be holier than a beautiful family bonding session over the festive season with a good old fashioned sing-along?

iTalk to God has been an immensely popular app this year with a unique way of looking at bible verses and bringing God back into the modern world. For Christams quotes and verses inspired by the bible the iTalk to God Christmas app will be released soon, go through their normal app gateway to access this Christmas quotes bible app when it is released.

Please don't forget the meaning behind Christmas and enjoy your festive season. Gametrender will try to bring you as much Christmas app goodness as possible over the coming holiday weeks.

Let your Android help you pick Babies boy names and girl names for 2012

2012 is almost upon us and I'm sure people will be celebrating in many new and exciting ways, one of those old and traditional ways though will still be around and so we can expect the normal 9 months after the festive season baby boom. But what will be the babies boy names and girl names in fashion for 2012?

People will either be copying  celebrity babies names or finding their own unique names. Thankfully though we live in a modern age  and can turn to our smartphones for help. So two apps we're going to look at are the 2012 calendar app , so you know what to expect for you and your baby in the New Year (hopefully not a 2012 world end!) and a sweet, little app that will help you to choose your babies name.

Android App Holiday Calendar 2011/2012

Set for over twenty different countries you can use this app to make the most of 2012 and your holidays.

Now you've got a bit of your 2012 planned out it's time to look forward to that new baby and start to think of those girl or boy names you're going to have. Thanks to this app that we've found you'll have access to over 50,000 baby names!

Over 50000 baby boy and baby girls names. Lots of unique names from many different countries around the world, complete with name meaning and origin. View by popularity, alphabetise or view by lists, such as flower names or biblical names.

Will I be able to mail my Google Music?

Google Music is starting to make waves,I received a recent mail from a friend to my yahoo account reserved for blogging tips suggesting I cover what he referred to as 'Google Music Beta', while it was still in relative infancy, so I went digging to find out what I could.

Formally known by various names including google beta or google music beta, this music search and more tool is now solidly out into the mainstream and flexing its muscles. Will it be able to talk on iTunes? Let's have a look at Google Music:

Firstly if you're from anywhere else but the USA you'll receive this message:
We're sorry. Google Music is currently only available in the United States

Yes, it's true this Android Music Store is only available in the USA for the moment, so rest of the world we expect lots of live mail to go out to Google demanding that they rush the music search tool out to the rest of the world. 

Introducing Google's Digital Music Store
Google has managed to sign up all the main music labels , that is except for Warner Music (negotiations continue) however the reason that Google Music is not available to the rest of the world is that the record labels have not yet agreed to allow Google to sell their music universally,yet.

Google claims to have over 13 million tracks listed on its service; Songs are available in MP3 format encoded at 320Kbps. Song prices range from 69c to 99c and $1.29, the same as on Apple's iTunes.

In some more exciting music store developments the search engine giant will boost the service by offering one track for free a day to new subscribers, to answer the posed question :" Will I be able to mail my Google Music", in a way ,yes. Similar to the way that Facebook has pushed Spotify, the Google+ social network will allow users to share songs with their friends directly through Google+(songs are limited to one playback only though)

And in the rest of the world we wait eagerly...

How does Google Gravity add to Google Gmail?

Being a prolific user of Gmail for all of Gametrenders wonderful app customers and reader queries I'm always on the look out for what else Google has up their sleeve. Google Gravity has been out for a while but I thought I'd give it a mention as it reminded me a lot of Half-Life 2 , believe it or not!
Just like in Half-Life 2 you can utilise the force of Gravity to throw things about the screen willy-nilly, although in the search engines case it's the words and links dotted about the screen and not screaming FaceHuggers or malicious combine soldiers!

Like I've mentioned Gravity has been out for ages, but what's needed is Gravity for your Android Phone, with the accelorometer and Ice-Cream sandwiches' abilty to take on phone screenshots that should be a lot of fun!

While we're on the topic of Google Easter Eggs some more trending ones out at the moment : the GOOGLE BARREL ROLL homage to Star Fox 64 (which was originally a homage toStar Wars and the death defying DeathStar Takedown. I won't spoil the surprise but type "Z or R twice" into the search engine or type in "Do a Barrel Roll" and see what happens!

Google Chuck Norris for another Google surprise!

Now on to the part of the article where we talk smartphones, because after all thats what we do at Gametrender:
Using my gmail login to access my mail on my Android Phone seemed to be working fine a few months ago, then I noticed that the gmail notifier had stopped notifiing and now the Android mail app doesn't seem to be working at all! I've searched the net for a solution to this gmail app problem but haven't found a solution. The only work around that I've managed to get is to go onto the webbrowser on the phone and access my mail from there. If you have come across this problem or have a solution please leave a comment.

Yahoo Vs Google Plus

Google is the unanimously accoladed king of search, but now there are plans to take it's audience even higher with initial thoughts about acquiring Yahoo.
The ailing company Yahoo, still has a large presence on the net what with the likes of Yahoo answers being an often turned to source of information, however other parts of Yahoo are definitely ailing with Yahoo mail from Bt for example being increasingly hard to use compared to other services like gmail.
Google on the other hand is on the up and up, as you know Gametrender particularly loves their Android phones and more and more services come out everyday such as the yet to blossom google+ and google places lending a whole new dimension to shopping, tourism and travel. best of all most of these services are integrated into Android phones in one way or another- whereas Yahoo just doesn't have this hard technology base.

So will Yahoo go the way of Myspace and become an increasingly redundant entity or will Google add it to their ever growing internet empire. Either way Android owners will see the benefits.

Why let Cl&P outages deprive us of Energy and gas?

Even if you don't live in Connecticut there's still an Energy and Gas lesson to be learned from the recent CL&P Outages. And as always we'll put a Smartphone Spin on the energy cl&p problem. We'll try to cover in this article useful tips on how your Smartphone can help you lower your energy bill or decide on alternate energy stream such as solar energy.

CL&P Outage Map
As you can see a lot of homes were totally blacked out during a recent large storm in the area. Well firstly how your Smartphone could help there is with the handy Flashlight App, no need to go digging through the kitchen drawers for a torch when your Smartphone is always to hand!
Tiny Flashlight and Led: Regarded as one of the best Flashlight apps on the Android market.
with between 10 million and 50 million installs it's very highly rated, and just what you need for an unexpected power outage!

The word Solar and Solar energy was certainly bantered around with the recent electrical outages with many wishing that they weren't on the National Grid and had pre-empted the outage and saved money by going Solar in the first place. Not knowing much about this alternate energy source I naturally turned to the Android market for help and came up with this useful energy app that will tell you everything you need to know about solar energy, stream energy, green energy and any other type of energy question you could possibly want answered.
If this Android App convinces you and you do decide to go for a solar powered home than once again the Android Market can help you with this useful app that calculates how much energy a solar panel can generate

And finally impress your friends with the SOLAR BATTERY CHARGER app, but please read the small print as you might be in for a surprise when it doesn't actually charge your battery, but who cares as long as your friends are impressed! (AMAZON features this handy mobile phone solar charger if you really want to get one)

Clever ways to remove your home from the National Grid

Fuel bills are scandalous and while it might be possible to remove your home from the National Grid through home solar power and other means ,what is more realistic is that we manage to cut down our national grid bill, once again Gametrender turns to the world of Smartphones to help us find out how.
Cow Methane as Alternative Energy?Surely there's a better way!
Home design obviously plays a role in how much national fuel we're going to consume with the amount and size of windows; draughty doorways and uninsulated roofs all playing a large part in the overall fuel bill. Zillow's Android tablet App could help you out in finding a new home, but if you didn't want to go to that extreme than there are some superb apps on the market that you might want to consider:

The credentials of this app are impeccable with one of the creators having a BA in Ecology and the other being a renowned Green architect , both have worked within this field for over two years so are undoubtedly experts.
The handy house map allows green-friendly users zoom in on particular house locations and find better alternate means to not only save the house fuel bill, but also the environment. Handy categories are covered such as better ways to save water and most importantly in the spirit of this article, save money on your utility bill. No longer does a National Grid Bill need to be so dreaded!.
Going even further though the app doesn't just help you to green-ify your home but also gives important health hints and tips about food and pharmaceuticals that can help your family to lead a happier and healthier life.
The app also provides a valuable tool for educators and will also help to improve the habits of those who have already gone GREEN

Dowload THIS IS GREEN for a better tomorrow.