Let's get you in the Christmas ideas mood first with some fun and festive wallpaper for your Android Phone.

Now it's this time of year, or three months before December if you're some of the department stores, that you need to be bringing the decorations down from the attic, dusting them off and Festivising your home. Android can help and the first way it can do that is pointing you in the direction of Christmas Shopping Discounts: Keep it with the big name stores and Download Tesco Shopping App or look for a more dedicated Christmas shopping app and go for The Days to Christmas App which puts a widget on your home screen that will count down to Christmas.

Of course while you're working hard getting your Christmas tree ready the little ones might be trying to help you. Of course if they're too little to help you than we can't just leave them to their own devices , so I recommend this Kiddie Christmas Tree App where they can decorate their own little tree on the Android Phone with jingly Christmas lyrics playing in the background (and even have an unexpected visit from Santa Claus!)
'Tis always better to give than receive and that's why we've tracked down a really nice Christmas app that will keep you in everyone's good books come boxing day. It'll be a nice reminder for the children too and that is why DROIDGIFTS should be on your app shopping list so you can keep track of all the great presents you receive and send out thankyou notes or texts
Now that You've got some great Christmas ideas for decorating and presents lets look at one last app:
Christmas Carols and Lyrics: Full Christmas Lyrics and animated words with this 16 HD Christmas song app. Have a glass or two of mulled wine and sit around the fireplace enjoying a great festive cheer.
Merry Android Christmas and keep on Gaming through the festive season.
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