
Monday, 21 November 2011

How to love using Ebay Motors on your Smartphone

Broken Honda? Time to go to Autozone? Use Ebay Motors very carefully!
Hopefully in this post I will be able to explain how to use and get the Ebay motors app for your Smartphone. So whether you want to buy yourself a Honda or a Ford or any other type of vehicle it shouldn't be a problem.

Hopefully soon you'll be whizzing about in your new wheels thanks to Ebay cars. Of course cars won't be the only thing that you're limited too as you will be able to use all of the Ebay services including the Ebay classifieds.  Watch out though as I don't want you left asking how to love an old banger that you have to go to Autozone to get parts for before you've even left your feedback!

Actually getting the whole Ebay App including Ebay Motors on your phone is amazingly simple. Go to any version of the Google market or just download it from Itunes! Of course using it is a different matter, but surprisingly enough even if I don't tell you how to it will be easy enough to pick up. One of the frustrations that I've found with the App is it is sometimes hard to find the full description and my wife has even had to cancel a last minute birthday order once as I'm sure my daughter didn't want to get a new IsPhone (sic) from China for her birthday!

Read Ebay Classifieds carefully!
The Ebay app will quickly and easily link to your current account, including Ebay Classifieds though and you can soon start buying. Of course selling, whether it be an Ebay car or otherwise is a doddle too, and a feature that I actually preferred using on my Android Phone as opposed to the computer was the ability to take a photo on the phone and simply upload it straight away- no cable connections to computer needed.

So final advice: It's great  to use Ebay cars and all the other Ebay Services on your Smartphone, it's also very easy to download, "is a Honda or a Ferrari going to be your next car ?"is the only question you need to hassle yourself with.

Oh and another use for the Ebay App : It's easy to learn to love technology when it keeps your tantrum toddler occupied... my 3 year old has been known to spend hours on the Ebay app scrolling through pictures looking for a birthday present! " Daddy, want Thomas Tank Engine!" On goes the phone and Ebay app and off he goes spending hours looking at pictures of his present of choice ( now I've just got to fathom out what 'Horse Trousers' are and why he wants them!)
UPDATE: Ebay Motors App now on Itunes

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