
Wednesday, 30 November 2011

New York Times expose Berlusconi on your iPhone

The New York Times app for iPhone was the first I heard of the antics of Silvio Berlusconi , researching further I can only comment on the interconnectedness of our modern phones. From reading the highbrow NY Times I dug a bit deeper to find the 'Is Berlusconi still President App' on Android which is made for the sole reason of answering the 'has he been sacked yet?' question about the notorious septuagenarian Lothario and his bunga-bunga games.

And whilst on the topic of Silvio's favourite game (please note that Berlusconi pictures haven't been printed on this article in the sake of good taste) it's doubtful that the times would be covering the Italian president's latest media venture: the Bunga-Bunga game  on flash internet game site Kongregate (remember Kongregate also has an Android app out too, Android users), again in the sake of good taste I'm not going to say much more on that topic and let you find out yourself!

Oh Dear Mr Berlusconi!
Oh and if you really must don't forget to Download 
Angry Bunga for iPhone too!

I bet Paul Krugman doesn't mention those in his NY Times articles! 

It's only in 2011/2012 that we can use our phones to not only read the latest sordid news, but also find pictures about it, blog about those crooked politicians and even play games about wicked political pensioners. Gotta love your Smartphone!
Get Highbrow again and find Silvio, Paul Krugman and more on the NYTimes Iphone App

new york times berlusconi: the times,ny times , paul krugman and silvio berlusconi,berlusconi photos

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