
Sunday, 4 December 2011

Cabelas and Cheaper than Dirt on iPhone

Cabelas as the premier shooting , fishing  and hunting Company and Cheaper than Dirt as the shooting specialist have a lot in common. But which apps show off their best sides?
 Firstly Cabelas the " World's foremost Outfitter" specialise in Cabelas hunting and fishing and other manly sports. So whilst on the topic of manliness, what could be more macho than guns? Lots and lots of guns as introduced to us by the app that accesses  Cabelas gun library and more:

Simply entitled: CABELA'S

Use the app to find the best outdoor gear, with detailed product descriptions and customer reviews. Also with Cabelas QR codes and barcode scanning (NOTE: Ironically have not been able to access the Gun Library on this app!)-Cabelas mobile gift cards are featured and are a popular part of the app.

And of course lots of guns means bulk ammo buying which Cheaper than Dirt specialises in apparently having the best prices for 9mm bulk ammo buying. The gunrunners don't have a store app that I could find on Itunes but I did manage to find this handy
iPhone Shot Time App

Indoors and outdoors use and highly personalisable , can record shot performance indoors or outdoors. See whether you're quick on the drawer with the ability to see time between shots , how many rounds you shot off and total shooting time.

Apps for Simulated Hunting:

Cabelas games have been around for a while which is why I've covered this article from a different angle, but here's a list of some of the most popular hunting apps and games out at the moment:

1 comment:

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