
Monday, 12 December 2011

Rockefeller Centre or Disneyland where is your iPhone taking you next?

10K at the too!
Gametrender recently reached our ten thousandth reader and are proud to announce that we are going from strength to strength . Thanks to a recent Game Site recommendation from a fellow reviewer on Jstationx ,we are  now bonafide members of the world spanning and highly impressive Games Press website   giving us access to all the latest video game industry news and views, publicity ,screenshots, press packs and announcements. Truly ilml : I love my life indeed, when so many brilliant developers are asking to be trended and so many app users are tuning in all the time to Gametrender.
Our buddy at JstationX

We'll be using this massive developer resource a lot in the coming years to keep on bringing you the latest and greatest trends, news and ideas on mobile gaming. 

As a little aside we missed scooping Android Police by a matter of hours last week with announcement of the FedEx App for Android. We twittered our link to the newly created app article at 1600 our local time  and the Police twittered at 1400 d'oh better luck next time Gametrender! So if any prospective gamers and videogame journalists feel that they can contribute to the phenomenon that is the TREND then let us know and we'll see if we have a place for you.

Back on the topic of GAMESPRESS we are privileged to share the link to a new article published on the press by acclaimed consultant Scott Steinberg of high-tech firm Tech-Savvy Global and video show host of Business Expert: Small Business,hints ,tips and advice . I'm sure you've caught Steinberg on television. And if you haven't here's a link to his Kindle; iPhone;Android friendly article that will be sure to give your tech based business, whether you're a videogame developer or a games journalism site, a boost. High-Tech Holiday Marketing Guide Link

Thanks for all your support in reaching our ten thousandth game and app mad viewers (BTW we think that we've tracked down, via Twitter, our 10,000 reader and so as a reward to him here's a link to his small game site-GametillDawn ) . See you around when we reach our 100k videogame reader milestone.(and I'll certainly be able to say ILML even more than now!) 


  1. Great article. FYI, for your Walt Disney World app, you include a graphic of the features and fun colorful interface of the Walt Disney World Pro app, but a link to the Disney World Magic Guide, two different yet both excellent apps.

  2. Thanks for the input Anonny Mouse (Any relation to Mickey?). We've added the link to Walt Disney World Pro too now. Merry Christmas and thanks for reading


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