
Monday, 23 January 2012

HogFrog Hilarious iOS Puzzler ribbits it's challenge to other iPhone games

Turkey is not the first country you think of when you think of iPhone games, but HOGFROG is all the better for this unusualness being an hilarious iOS puzzler with a very crazy backstory. 
A collaboration between Turkish App Developers DreamHarvesters and MutinySoft this iPhone puzzler looks to be something special. With standout,bright and colourful cartoon graphics being the first thing you notice in this app. It is made even better by a very quirky storyline involving frog Mafia and  mosquitoes as currency.
The puzzle app certainly has longevity with four ponds and multiple levels available as you flick your frog's tongue across the screen to get mosquitoes and increase your froggy worth so that Tore, the hero of this iOS puzzler , can win the hand of his beloved Frog Mafia Boss daughter Rosina.
To add to later complications there are also other perks and challenges such as poisonous frogs and turtles to overcome, which change the puzzling from challenging to head scratchingly complicated. But still fun!
HogFrog Puzzle Fun on iPhone
This quirky iOS puzzle game is definitely worth checking out especially for the backstory which I'm sure you'll find just as strange and funny as we did.


  1. big size for download but its funny one.

  2. Thanks for the great review. A new version is on the way which will be much more smaller


  3. Thanks to dreamharvesters team for this game. Very nice game!

  4. A new version of HogFrog has been published. It has some bug fixes and it's also 3 mb smaller than the previous version. We are still working on the game to make it smaller.

    Have fun


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