
Saturday, 25 February 2012

Bite Sized iOS Indy Fun

You can either play long and epic games on your iPhone or concentrate on bite sized gaming that just hits the spot. Wonder Witches is one of those quick and easy to play bite sized apps that are great for a swift , no thought involved, fun gaming session.
Let's face it even though being gamers we all love an epic quest, multiple characters yadaa, yadaa, yadaa etc. when it comes down to it we play for plays sake. Especially if we're limited to playing on our iOS devices , in queues on train journeys etc. we simply want some pick up and play fun that we can complete in a micro gaming session.
And this is where Johan Digital Works latest app " Wonder Witches" excells. Simple gameplay along the lines of one/two touchscreen button controls that make the witch's broomstick climb or fall to avoid obstacles and the other button to use magic.
Wonder Witches: Corona SDK INDY DEV does Good!
Compete for a high score thanks to Wonder Witches Game Centre integration and you have nifty broom stick riding ,obstacle avoidance game that is just perfect for a little bit of fun. Motivation of course comes with the need to see just how far your witch can go before wiping out and also to see what the next magic potion pick up will make happen.
Being as this is an indy iOS game we are really impressed with the developer's efforts. A simple altitude control game could have been developed , but the fact that unlockables and pickups have been included along with GameCentre integration make this a very polished and professional indy game. 
I also really like the backdrops that the witch flys against, a realistic background creating a very pleasing juxtaposition in the app , reminding me of the cartoon movies that were popularised in the '90s which melded cartoon characters and realism.

Wonder Witches is available for free at the Appstore.

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