
Monday, 20 February 2012

Which Apps are good for the whole Family?

Useful App study: What is the most popular Kids' App?
What apps are good for family fun? That's a question that Famigo Sandbox asked themselves when they set up their Sandbox App that allows our children to play safely on our Android phones and iPhones. Aside from the brilliant and inspired idea of safe play for children Famigo have collected an astonishing amount of data on app usage.
Amongst the app questions answered are : What apps do kids enjoy the most? And What is the most downloaded app by families?

With their permission this handy app usage infographic has been reprinted and based as it is on a comprehensive and randomly scientific study of how 1000 families use their apps it could prove highly influential. Influential for app developers wanting to find out how to pitch their apps to a particular audience, or tailor their app marketing to a certain age group.And also influential in determining what apps our own kids might enjoy safely. 
I've personally found the app infographic useful as, being a long time supporter of Famigo, I've found it a good headstart on what my children might like to play on my Android phone next (the  puzzle games section of the Android Market will be getting a visit soon because of this.)

As for my friends and clients into app development it's only fair to point out that the app research strongly trends to free apps being by far the most highly played. So thoughts about iOS and Android monetisation might need to be reconsidered.

I'll leave you to digest the rest of the infographic, which is both a highly entertaining and educational read for both app developers and families who believe that app gaming is far and away not only good entertainment but also a nice way to bond with their kids.

The original app study can be viewed at the Famigo Website where we hope you'll take the opportunity to see how the Famigo Sandbox can make your children's and families' smartphone play safe and entertaining.

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