
Saturday, 10 March 2012

Improve your dating Game with Iphone's most realistic Dating Sim

Sexy Iphone Girls in the
foremost Dating Sim
So what is the best dating sim on Iphone? A question often posed to Gametrender and one that we're kinda going to explore here. Kinda, because I'm not sure that DATING SIM should be classified as a hook up game, a  flirt measuring app or a full blown dating advice app.

The app not only takes some fun dating concepts and very playable mechanics, but also throws in some of the hottest babes on Iphone and also has a solid foundation of scientific dating principles.

So what can you expect from this groundbreaking dating sim? The world's foremost dating experts have been drafted in to help on the app so it really sets itself apart from the run of the mill date simulations. Absolutely expect a host of different virtual girls to try your game out on. But then be prepared for some very different results if you expect this to play out as a normal boy gets girl game. It doesn't! These iOS girls are based on real personality profiles and dating situations and locations. Realism is paramount in the app and it can reportedly improve your dating and flirting skills.
Expert Dating Advice App

If you think that you're some kind of babe magnet this app could show you a very different side to yourself. it doesn't pull any punches and that's why rather then playing out as a game it becomes an actual app to improve your relationships. Handily when you play out the dating and flirting situations and get things horribly wrong the app will show you where you went wrong and shows its strength as being an app that can improve your flirting. A word of warning though, this app is definitely for adults as suggestive, racy concepts and potentially very sexy situations for those who want to 'go all the way'! 

Add ease of use and an Ipad/Iphone photo gallery of some very sexy women and this proves to be the groundbreaking Dating Sim that it claims to be.


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