
Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Writing for Gaming Websites: Meet Josh Y

Gametrender loves apps and we are pleased to announce our new writer who has joined the App extravaganza that is us, simply because he loves to game and loves Android.
Josh Y was a prolific commentator on our most popular article about the best Xperia Play Games.J's enthusiasm and knowledge of apps and gaming really shone out, to such an extent that some of his comments on the Xperia Play article were worthy of being Gametrender articles in themselves!

Naturally , as we're always on the lookout for new writers who love apps, we invited Josh to join us and are thrilled to have his first article published here, in which Josh interviews Paul Lamb , the genius who improved the Mupen 64 N64 emu for Android so that the Xperia Play could be used to it's best advantage in playing retro games. J's enthusiasm and style really shone out in his article and needless to say his videogame knowledge is second to none.

Welcome aboard Josh.

1 comment:

  1. Thank You very much Gametrender. I am glad to be aboard and hope that I may continue to meet expectations and contribute to this already informative website.


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