
Saturday, 28 April 2012

Fun Fashion Conscious Platform Game on iOS: Spinnyhead

Games like StarDolls really seem to capture gamers, particularly women gamer's attention. Spinnyhead a new iOS platformer takes the idea of a fashion game and builds on it to make it appeal to those not just interested in clothing an avatar in the latest fashions but also to appeal to those after more of an action fix on their iPads and iPhones.

An uncluttered game with an appropriate backdrop of a clothes closet, Spinnyhead the game's fashion concious main character loves her fashions, her task is to complete a full fashion ensemble using the scattered platforms to gain height and get the latest clothes and accessories whilst avoiding the moths who can be taken out woth her anti-moth gun.

The game is a nice simple diversion and will appeal to both iOS platformer lovers and fans of Stardoll and its  like. An in app purchase of the ever so cute SpinnyCat protects SpinnyHead from the moths temporarily. As the game stands it has broad appeal and game centre integration also brings some competition to this fashionista's world. In later updates we can hope for more enemies to avoid (paparazzi and fashion disasters maybe?) and more varied backdrops.

Definitely worth downloading for those with a penchant for fashion and platformers. Spinnyhead


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