
Thursday, 12 April 2012

iPhone app for Mental Health and Psychiatric diagnosis

Apps for Mental Health

Merntal health app to
aid self-diagnosis on iPhone
While it's true that the modern technologically reliant world can often present a bleak and grim prospect for people, the corrollary is that technology can also lead to us having better lives. Advances in modern medicine especially have resulted in less infant mortality, fewer diseases and longer lifespans for many. So what is the latest breakthrough in modern medicine? Quite possibly the humble smartphone app could be soon set to change the face of modern medicine.

There are numerous apps for first aid and exercise which are showing enormous benefits for a healthier lifestyle. One of the few areas that remain undeexploited and underutilised are apps for mental health. If you have an iPhone and have a passing interest in mental health and psychological issues or are looking for a preliminary diagnosis for perceived mental health issued than the " iMind and Mood" app could be there to fulfill your psychological needs via your iPhone.

App endorsed by  Mental Health
The Mental health app is no lightweight as it has come about through over thirty years of experience within the mental health field. It has numerous subcategories for different types of mental health issues; and through a series of questions and customised feedback the app can help you to diagnosis psychiatric issues by type and severity. If you're already undergoing therapy then this can be seamlessly integrated into the psychiatric help app by emailing results to your therapist to carry forward into your therapy sessions.

Amongst other things the app can be helped to detect stress,ADHD; BiPolar disorder and a host of other mental health issues.As we've already pointed out Apps are making amazing strides for self help in other health fields, that iMind and Mood brings such a comprehensive mental diagnosis and help app to the iPhone is certainly an equally important milestone in the field of self diagnosis via the medium of technology.

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