
Monday, 9 April 2012

Making a life with iPhone Apps

app to combat depression, new book about apps
Bin there Done That. Apps for a successful life.
We live in testing times in which technology has in many ways taken us away from our spiritual and earthy roots. We eat processed food, live in houses that cut us off from the cycles and rhythms of nature and work in jobs that seldom see any real satisfaction or meaning. We're desensitised to violence and our evenings are filled with watching repetitive; demeaning entertainment that lacks moral or spiritual focus and contributes nothing to our well being. However look hard enough under this very bitter facade of modern society and you can find not only meaning, but joy and purpose too.

Can iPhone apps break this monotonous cycle of the modern alienated person? Well a new book about apps and the app industry sets out to answer this question. More importantly this book is not written by some Ivory Towered Professor who makes a living from studying apps and depression. No this book is written by a man who is swiftly becoming a legend in the app industry, Rob Shoesmith reveals in his new book: Bin there Done That how iPhone apps have played an instrumental part in his life, dragging him from depression and despair into the exciting and wonder filled world of iPhone apps.
 Read it love it and realise that despite all the doom and gloom of this article's opening paragraph just how damned lucky we are to live in these technologically advanced times.
From all of us who are  part of this exciting world of Apps : Thankyou Rob.
Download: BIN THERE DONE THAT  on your Kindle today. It will be released onto the Appstore soon too. 


  1. Looks like an interesting read.

    Fair play to this guy.

  2. It is a great read. Rob first came to my and the press' attention when he waited in line in London for ten days to be the first to pick up the new iPhone. This crazy social experiment has really made him the darling of the app world and apparently there's more insanity to come!


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