
Monday, 30 April 2012

Professional and elegant Photo Framing for iPhone

ios photo framing
With a superb camera and a million and one ways to share photos taken with your iPhone, many iOS users really want to take their iPhone (and iPod) photography to the next level. FrameUrLife now brings us a very elegant way to make our iOS photos even better looking.

Let's get one thing straight though, despite the Appstore having a lot of similar Photo apps, they're not a patch on FrameUrLife. For one thing the photo framing app has just recently been featured as a new app on the US Appstore, so it is certainly good enough to attract the attention of the appstore editors. However don't just take the Appstore's opinion into account, just simply have a look at the framing app and you'll instantly see a very fine photography app indeed. It's polished to an amazing degree and brings a multitude of ways to customise your iOS photo viewing experience. 

Professional Framing for iPhone Photos
There are 48 fully adjustable frames allowing multiple photos to be grouped together and really enhance the look of the special moments in your life. Aside from the 48 iOS photoframes the app also offers a huge degree of personalisation making for seemingly endless unique ways of framing your photos. Colours can be added, border widths can be changed, different rations can be applied to photos and effects can be added to each photo. There are numerous other features that we haven't gone into, including the very easy ability you will have  to fully manipulate your photos in a way of your choosing.(Zooming, rotating and more)

Follow the app store link below to see why this app fully deserves to be one of the best photo apps on the Appstore:
FrameUrLife Free - The Best Picture Frames & Photo Frames Free

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