
Thursday, 12 April 2012

SocialNav: Joining Social Events with SatNav on Android

Satnav and Social event
integration on Android
SocialNav for Android is born from a very simple but really useful concept: So many of our events and activities are organised through social networks, but actually getting to these events is a pain, involving at the best elaborate memorisation of addresses and postcodes and at worst getting hopelessly lost and never meeting tthe friends that you've made the date with.

It's a surprise that no-one has thought to seamlessly integrate a SatNav app with Facebook and google Plus networks, but that's what SocialNav sets out to do and as far as we know it provides a unique and easy way to find events using your Android phone.

Using Google Maps Navigation the app seamlessly integrates with your social network profiles and allows you to quickly and simply find events and checkins on your Android Phone.

The SocialNav social and event navigation app is currently available for free on the Google Play market.

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