
Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Banking App Guide : How to use the Pingit App

If you're money savv you probably do at least a bit of your banking via the Internet. Going one step further it now seems that all you need is a Smartphone and a clever banking app to be fiscally aware. One of the more astute banking apps is from Barclays. Here's a quick picture guide showing how to use Barclay's Pingit Banking app. All reports we've had have said that Pingit is completely reliable and safe. Pingit is heavily encrypted so shouldn't present much of a security risk. It is also very easy to register for Pingit Banking as our quick and simple Pingit Guide shows.

How to using Barclay's Pingit Banking App

Mobile Banking Apps
How to Use Barclays Pingit App


  1. For pingit, you dont need a smartphone to register to receive money. They have a website where you can register to receive money with any mobile number. It's a great way to get started, and if you want to upgrade to the full app, which does send and receive you can do so later...


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