
Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Free Conference Calls for Android

Free Android Conference App
GroupCall for Android
While conducting a personal social call on Facetime for iPad a while ago I lamented the fact that Android, my business mobile of choice didn't have such an easy and multi featured app for tele conferencing and communicating via face and voice .
Led on by my business needs to find a comprehensive conferencing app for Android I was lucky to stumble across GroupCall.

While the iPad more than fills the vortex for personal communication needs I find that for business purposes Android and its ability to function  separately from an iTunes type environment is certainly the OS of choice for business needs. And big business, or in our case a hardcore app review website , definitely thrives on communication.

And communication has to, of necessity due to the nature of Global App development, be worldwide; quick; easy and cheap.

Easy to use Android Conference
GROUPCALL for Android ticks all these boxes and more, more because the new Android conferencing app is free. With a communication app we always approach the word "free" with some scepticism as it usually involves some sort of complicated setup and  legal-eese ridden terms and conditions with a complex sign up. 
Groupcall has none of these complications and is just a delight to use and is our conferencing app of choice for Android.
Download the free Android Conference App from Google Play:

1 comment:

  1. This is such a cool blog, atleast content has a meaning unlike those useless blogs on the internet. Independence Day DP


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