
Thursday, 31 May 2012

Simple but Fun IOs Games and Utilities

Aside from being an amazing business tool, the iPad and IPhone are brilliant for gimmicks and quick easy , fun apps too. This factor has led to a new breed of app developer , not concerned with high end 3D graphics for the IPad nor Dolby 5.1 surround sound iOS games, but just celebrating the fun side of being an iPad and iPhone user.
 Thumb Wizards is one such developer who is really rocking the fun side of ios apps, we've had privileged access to their plethora of fun apps which includes such standard items as well polished Sudoku games but also music utilities and even fun translation apps.

 We've had hands on with the "Speakin Scottish " app for the last few days as an example of ThumbWizards awesome library of apps and can report that the app is just as fun as it sounds, making legible English into some obscure Scottish brogue, perhaps just for the heck of it, but if you ever find yourself in Glasgow with an IPhone to hand Speakin Scottish could actually prove to be a useful Translation app too! 
 We'll bring a more hands on review with the fun lingo app that has been made famous enough to feature in the Scottish Sun in a follow up article on which the developers at Thumb Wizards have been kind enough to grant us a few promo codes for loyal readers.
Apps to celebrate Diamond Jubilee
Celebrate the Queens Diamond Jubilee
by Speaking British too! Another Fun
Thumb Wizards App
 So watch our pages carefully over the next few days for a big Diamond Jubilee App give away ( our Uk readers know what we're talking about) also standby for an exclusive interview with Thumb Wizards and in the meantime head on over to their website to see the brilliant IOS apps that they have to offer.

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