
Saturday, 9 June 2012

Apps for obscure musical instruments

We find that we grow bored with all the same old music apps being found all over the AppStore. It would be interesting to see just exactly how many virtual piano or synthesiser apps there actually are out there! Virtual drum sets? So overdone. App guitars? Ditto. Come on app creators lets get a bit more creative with your music apps, let's really push the boat out on the musical apps creative side of things and come up with some really outlandish instruments. In fact let's use our tablets, probably the most exciting piece of technology to emerge globally in the last decade , to create even better ways to make music. So dear readers what is the most crazy app instrument you've seen? How many kazoo apps are there out there, what about ukulele apps,even kentucky mandolins apps! With an AppStore full of music apps there have got to be some pretty weird apps out there!

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