
Monday, 18 June 2012

Exciting iOS Games previewed at E3 2012

E3 2012 iOS Games
So the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) has ,as usual, got the game industry all excited. But how much have iOS games featured in E3 2012 and what games have got the iPad/iPhone games have got the press talking?

E3 itself has changed fundamentally in recent years, it's downscaling from the gaming jamboree of recent years has been economically driven, and we believe that the gaming industry itself reflects this. AAA title are not nearly as thick on the ground as they once were due to gaming studios budget constraints. However into this economic vortex, Mobile app gaming with it's fast turnaround and lesser budgets should fit quite nicely. So, has E3 2012 shown the rise of the App as videogamings messiah?

Well firstly type in a Google Search for E3 apps and you're not met with an onslaught of Gaming Blockbuster Apps, but just a multitude of links to E3 Exhibition apps, very yawnworthy and not what we're looking for.

Going on to larger gaming websites and we start to see a few names mentioned time and again for apps that have seemed to have made an impression on journos. At this stage of our research games to watch in the future seem to be:

E3 2012 iOS games
Demon's Score by Square Enix

  • Demons' Score-A Rhythm Game/FPS fusion from Square Enix
  • Final Fantasy Dimensions-Coming July
  • Opertoon-Which reminds me of Osmos, which can't be a bad thing surely.
  • Duel of Fate and Soccer Superstar 2012 are the big and comers from Gamevil
  • Magic the Gathering : Duels of the Planewalkers looks to be a heavily produced and much hyped MtG game seeong the light of day in 2012

That's the most mentioned iOS games that we've been able to track down, but it also bodes well that we've been able to locate a lot of info on Indie games from this years E3 2012

What Indie iOS Games featured in E3 2012?
The Indiecade Developers had a strong iPad showing at this year's expo, as you would expect there are some cunning and interesting iPad games emerging from the minds of these independent creatives. Here's our pick of Indiecades E3 2012 showing:
Full List of Indiecade Games E3 2012
Analogue: A Hate Story by Christine Love 
Binding of Isaac by Edmund McMillen 
Languish by Erik Loyer
Coalesce by Jeremy Gibson
Dark Dot by MIT GAMBIT Game Lab
The Fourth Wall by DigiPen Institute of Technology
Dawn of Cimmeria by Cimmerian Entertainment
Hokra by Ramiro Corbetta
Johann Sebastian Joust! by Die Gute Fabrik
Languish by Erik Loyer
Moonlighters by Rad Dragon
A Mother's Inferno by The National Academy of Digital Interactive Entertainment (DADIU)
Pickpocket Junction by Wise Guys Events
Prom Week by Expressive Intelligence Studio
Scale by Enemy Airship
Songlines by Samantha Vick
Spelltower by stfj
Tickleplane by Messhof Games
A Valley Without Wind by Arcen Games
Who Took The Apple by KnapNok Games
Zombie Pox by Tiltfactor Laboratory

Data hasn't been readily available as to which of these indie titles are confirmed iOS releases (Dark Dot is I believe one of those), but we'll follow up this article by researching all these potential indie ios hits for the future one by one to find out which will hit the iPad etc.

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