
Sunday, 19 August 2012

How good can a Unity Game be? Apple Avengers Initial Play through

Apple Avengers Presents multiple Worlds and Boss Fights too!
Take two dedicated programmers, a dash of Unity knowledge and a clear love of games and it's surprising what you can come up with. Apple Avengers is a prime example of how good a Unity game can be.

The app game is a vicious one in which unknown apps, even of high quality, can sink if the public doesn't hear about them. Well consider this a public service letting the world know of Apple Avengers, because it's worth knowing about. 

If you're a fan of recent side scrolling adventure games you'll have heard of "Cordy" , Apple Avengers most reminds us of this game and does a remarkable job of beating this chart topping side scroller at its own game, both by being fun to play and well designed. We can't but help comparing this game to Cordy as that was a hit of just last year and by any means was a Blockbuster Mobile Project delivered by a larger dedicated design team. This game doesn't have the luxury of a large mobile design studio but still manages to pull it out of the bag. 
There's a lot of tricks here now de rigeur in a quality side scroller. There are multiple worlds to explore and what we've explored so far if this game shows some good artwork infusing the atmosphere of each world. It's certainly not shy of throwing new concepts at you thick and fast with just the first few levels seeing speed and hover like abilities unlocked with new Apple avatars. 
Within a half an hour play through of the first few free levels I encountered three different enemies,three avatars, a guru like character who helped to educate Fuji, the main character-the Big Apple if you will! Two different jumping abilities, bounce platforms and more .
The developers are not afraid to keep the game coming up with fresh and exciting ideas, as I prepare to pay the small entry fee to unlock the whole game I'll follow up this article with the full review, the free download version is an adventure gamer's delight and if the paid version is able to live up to the hype generated by the initial free download then the AppStore might have some true indie gold on its hands. We'll link the full review for Apple Avengers here when it's complete


  1. Few days ago only I bought this game and even played first level of it, it was simple to finish the first level with great fun.

  2. I am shocked a good game can be made with unity, considering what a piece of shit it is. A little advice to game developers, STAY AWAY FROM UNITY. I cant believe how many bugs are in it and it is very unstable. Also good luck getting customer or tech support to figure out what wrong with their own software.

    1. Let's debate: Thank Unity for Shadowgun; Shadowera; Ravensword and more! But if you think that you've got a valid point about the big U and viable alternatives then email us and we can arrange for you to do a guest article to get your point across, in the meantime enjoy Apple Avengers and all the other great games that devs have struggled to get out via Unity.


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