
Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Samsung manufacturing

We've done some research into where Samsung manufactures its components. As an investigative app journalist this could prove to be some valuable insider information about the Korean tech giant.
After all most leaks about the IPhone 5 are coming from manufacturing plants. So we suggest that if you're serious about finding out about the latest Samsung mobile tech first that you use this list to generate some contacts. Happy industrial spying!
Where Samsung Korea Makes its Mobile Phones and More
Giheung Complex: Semiconductors; TFT-LCDS
Gumi Plant: Cell Phones; PCS Handsets; HDD; Fibre Optics; Communications Transferring Equipment
Chonan Plant: Cell Phones; PCS Handsets; HDD; Fibre Optics; Communications Transferring Equipment
Onyang Plant: Semiconductors (assembly and testing)
Hwasung Plant: Semiconductors

So if you want to know where Samsung makes their products and what technology is a closely guarded secret; contacts from these plants would be what you need. Personally I'd try to get a contact at Onyang or one of the Samsung Mobile Assembly Plants. However being a large electronic conglomerate this is not some sort of plastic printers plastic printing cards but a serious high tech company so if you do go digging for info then expect to have to negotiate some very tight lipped employees and water tight NDA agreements.

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