
Sunday, 16 September 2012

Excelsior: Stan Lee and Apps

Stan Lee: Bringing more Heroes to iPad Apps
When you hear phrases like " Stan Lee can't be separated from his iPad", (to paraphrase Matt Kozlov; the CEO of Moonshark-more about them later in this article), you can't but help to be massively excited if you're in the app business (be you a consumer,journalist or studio).

Twice today doing app research I've come across the man; the legend Stan Lee, mentioned in conjunction with apps. You're going to love this article if you're a fan of Marvel, or Stan Lee and his creations and love mobile apps and games.

Interactive Apps starring Stan Lee
iPad app starring Stan Lee's Narration
With Avengers and Avengers Origins -and yes the multitude of apps that they are spawning, some rather good like the newest Incredible Hulk themed Avengers App, comics are cool (again). Of course debatedly the Grand Daddy, the master of all, the graphic novel genius (before they were even known as graphic novels) is Stan Lee. Today I had the pleasure of stumbling across "The Amazing Spider-Man: An Origin Story" . Spanning multiple genres from iPad borne graphic novel, to interactive book, to simple  super hero themed game the Super Hero Origin Story app, while highly polished and entertaining, stood out for an incredible reason: The app is narrated by Stan Lee himself!

The Origin stories uses many iPad features
The app harks back to the classic days of 1960's Spiderman and does an incredible job of leveraging the iPad's many features. Not only does the iconic voice of Stan Lee pace you through the gloriously HD story with artwork so reminiscent of a classic Spider-Man, but mini-games also act as small interludes to progress the narrative. These mini games can be played at any time through the pop up menu and aside from reaction timed touch screen escapades like firing off Spidey's web to swing between buildings, even the accelerometer is used in some chapters( Peter Parker's first wrestling match on iOS never felt so tangible). The mini games all bear relevance to the source material, there is not a Japanese puzzle box in sight here; but good solid Bam!Pow! old school heroics antics.

It's this kind of cross genre App encapsulated Marvel magnificence that makes Stan Lee starring iPad apps so brilliant. Excelsior indeed.
Apps created by Stan Lee: Verticus
Moonshark+Stan Lee = Verticus
Stan Lee's next Big App
Perhaps with all the Avengers excitement and Origin Stories being so popular ( the web slinger's digital story is free by the way and one of three Lee narrated digi tales: the other two being The Incredible Hulk and *tie in alert* The Avengers digital book). It's natural that this tech loving ; world and hero crafting savant is looking to do more with mobile games. Pow!Entertainment (owned by Stan the Man) has combined with a start up known as Moonshark. At the last Comikaze Expo the announcement for the Verticus Mobile game was made.
We're sure Lee's influence has been a driving force behind the creation of the future  Verticus iPad game, but he has the title of official consultant for the mobile game. Not only that,but just like his narration of the Origin Stories Apps Stan Lee will become directly involved in this app, starring as the protagonist's Mission Commander.
Double Excelsior!
Enjoy the Digital Graphic Novels which are out now and keep your ear to the ground for more news of Moonshark/Pow!Entertainment's Verticus which will hopefully be released this Fall.

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