
Sunday, 16 September 2012

The Future of Music Technology

As current or prospective musicians in love with how technology can enhance your music profiles you should be very excited on changes that iOS 6 and it's updates will bring in the very near future.
It's long being rumoured that ITunes and it's much beloved and easy to use professional interface is due to move towards a subscription based model in the future. Some of you musos will be breathing a sigh of relief that this is not yet due to happen, even when IOS 6 rolls out around about October time. Others with more economic savvy will be praying for just the opposite to happen.
So when will ITunes become subscription only?
It is estimated that iTunes sells 70% of online digital music, but other entertainment based subscription services such as Netflix and Rhapsody seem to be thriving on the subscription model. Whilst iTunes music downloads remain lucrative there seems to be little reason for Apple to change their tune, so unlike Wall Street Journal's prognostications for an imminent change we believe that only when Apple truly sees a tangible decline in music sales that a subscription model will become the music industries foremost download services norm. 

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