
Thursday, 25 October 2012

Beyond Jelly Bean for Galaxy S3

Eventually Jellybean rolled out for most of the World's Samsung Galaxy S3's ( Sorry USA I know quite a few networks are still waiting for the latest Android OS! )
Already talk has moved beyond Project Butter and objective to the rumoured capabilities of Android 4.1.2 with the exciting "multi-window" mode apparently coming to the S3 as early as December. But one thing the JB rollout has taught us, if we didn't know already, that December probably means January or February or never!
What is Android Multi Window Mode?

Featuring on the Samsung Galaxy Note II is the multi-window mode, which allows you to see two apps running simultaneously. The two windows can be resized as the user sees fit and uses are only limited by the owner's imagination.
Apart from the "Will it really happen question?" other obstacles are the international S3 only having 1Gb of RAM and indeed the LTE S3 being merely dual core. If the hardware can cope; and it should with the Galaxy being a powerful beast -the question of effectiveness on a smaller screen than the Note still stands. Is it a feature that can work on a 4.8 inch screen?
Keep up the good work Samsung in your quest to be the coolest Korean export since Gangnam.

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