
Saturday, 27 October 2012

Clash of Clans Halloween Update

clash of clans new pekka
Introducing dark Castle and Level 3 PEKKA
New for Halloween 2013: More Pumpkin bombs, a level editor that takes the drudge out of continual redesigns,Samhains all about magic so the spell forge can now be boosted for only 1 gem. Also watch out for mortar level that's scary! Supercell also promises many scary surprises...Pumpkin bombs to replace your normal Clash of Clans Defence bombs? Luckily the latest Clans update offers a lot more than that, especially for those with higher level town halls. And now take your town hall even higher with the Dark Castle Level 9 upgrade.

Clash of Clans Halloween Update
Now the PEKKA is even more ferocious with a level 3 PEKKA getting a fearsome new appearance.
Meet the JumpSpell which when upgraded is even powerful enough to let giants and Pekkas jump walls- so no more hiding behind your walls as a legit defence!
Watch out for the X-Bow; the elixir bolt shooting defence is available at higher levels and has a fearsome rate of fire. Top tip for the Xbow is that it has different modes of fire-longer range for anything attacking from the ground-or a lesser range attack that can devestate both air and ground forces.
Now almost all buildings, including cannons and storage have new upgrade levels.
Continuing on the Halloween Theme CofC has cheaper spells and a 'witches and monsters' package with wizards,dragons and the PEKKA being cheaper to produce for a while-and let's not forget those pumpkin bombs!
Important advice about Clash of Clans Halloween Update: now is the time to remove all obstacles, trees, mushrooms, rocks etc. You'll notice a Halloween theme to them with creepy eyes etc., what I have notice since the update is that every obstacle removed seems to be dropping free gems, do it now while still in the scary season and maybe more gems will be coming your way!


  1. I'm happy these updates have been made! They make Clash of Clans even more exciting, kudos to the developers at Super Cell.

  2. This update is awesome especialy with the x-bow and the levle 9 town hall upgrade! And lets not forget the even more awesome levle 11 gold and elixer collectors and storages, they look awesome and hold more than ever! The best thhing out of this is the defence weapons, levle 7 mortar or levle 11 cannons are awesome! I am super happy with supercell right now, probably one of the best apps i've played! So addicting! ;) Good Job!


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