
Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Using Google Now on your Mobile

Google Now on Uk Galaxy S3
If you've recently updated to Android Jellybean you're probably as excited as I was to try out Google Now on your Android device.
Initially I thought the location/info personalised Pa type app wasn't working untold I discovered that Google Now needs an internet connection.
After that initial scare the 'Advice cards' still didn't show up as permission needs to be given to the app before it will start showing up on your mobile.
A day into using Google Now on a Galaxy S3 (international 3G quad core version) and the excitement still remains for the apps potential and not for its performance. You see Google Now won't dramatically change your phone-yet. It l learns from your habits and gradually more and more Help Cards will be displayed.
Go into settings for Google Now and you can change it to display all sorts of info and the frequency of how often the cards display as well as timings. For example you could tell it that you commute to work by car and you want it to display heavy traffic before your evening commute.
Amongst other things sports cards, places cards and public transport are some of the options.

I turned on WiFi today at a work canteen and was very excited to find a card other than the Weather Card that had been displaying continually. It was a card for a nearby fancy bar/restaurant.  Had Google Now seen my phone in a cheap canteen and offered me a better place to eat?
The app is learning, but only slowly and as such using Google Now on an Android Phone is still excitement in potentia and not reality.

1 comment:

  1. Google now seems like a really good location based tool. I wonder if it can also transmit data to Android Device Manager which can come handy to track your phone.


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