If you're expecting hit defence build 'email up Clash of Clans on Android any time soon, you can stop holding your breath. Greg Harper of creators Supercell says that "It's something we are constantly evaluating, turning it upside down and peering at it from every angle, but at the moment, it just doesn't make sense for us," Harper revealed to us."The short answer is the revenue is not meaningful enough and the cost to support [Clash of Clans on Android] is much too high."
With so many free apps on android and the difficulty of porting Clash of Clans to so many different handsets running different Android versions preventing this happening any time soon we can only hope that Supercell will find a way to overcome these difficulties.
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The short answer is the revenue is not meaningful enough and the cost to support [Clash of Clans on Android] is much too high. clash of clans