
Friday, 9 November 2012

From Blogpost to ebook

PDF generator for blogs
Fancy making your blog into an ebook?
When you take into account that the average ebook can range in size from anywhere between 5000 words to 100k you'll see that an awful lot has gone into writing this often epic pieces. Being a video game blogger and of course gaining some fame thanks to all my loyal readers I've been exploring ways to get my blog posts into ebook form. After all with almost a thousand articles and many of our app how to guides getting thousands of daily readers it would be a shame not to reach a wider audience.

Luckily there is a lot of good software available that can make this journey to writing discovery a lot easier. If you're looking at a 100 thousand word length piece then there's a lot of donkey work involved in getting that work into an acceptable and palatable professional

Easy Indexing
Indexing is of course one of those very onerous tasks that can take up so much time but will really make your book shine out as a professionally created and easy to read work.
PDF Index Generator is the software that we've been paying particular attention to in our quest to publish an ebook. Firstly one of the very precise requirements that it fulfills is that it is simplicity itself to use. We just don't want to spend hours mired in complicated menus, we just want to create and let the software do the mundane work-and that PDF index generator does fantastically.

Not just Book Writing Software

Of course it gains a lot more brownie points by having the ability to select and deselect words and categories according to your need. This is a great feature that really allows you to weight your book/writing towards the needs of your readers. A very aesthetically pleasing feature in this customization capability is that the entire appearance of your index can be made just as you want it.
With numerous font styles and layouts if you have a lot of work that you want to make a back of book index for swiftly and have a unique appearance for, this book indexing program really does the job. Another fantastic feature that acts as a link for all your work is that a word can be clicked in the index and you'll be automatically taken to the corresponding page.

Many word categories are also included with the software intelligent enough to recognise commonly used words like pronouns or name variations and exclude them from the index. Autonomy is taken to a new level too with the index able to be written straight to your book or saved PDF wise for later use.
PDF Index generator has multiple options

If you've got a lot of writing down,just like our gaming blog, and are wanting to take the next step to getting more eyeballs on your fantastic work you don't need little factors like how to index hold you back anymore.
PDF Index Generator won't write your book for you but will certainly give you the time and creative freedom that you need to give yourself more time to create.

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