Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Little Chomp Review

How to make an indie game
Little Chomp
In a world of game studio closures and constant belt tightening, even years after the first so called credit crunch its always good to see a rainbow pot of gold app story.It is even better, when covering indie apps, if they turn out to be rather good, and Little Chomp certainly is. 

The ClutchPlay studio was formed after "Touch Pets Dogs and Cats" maker Stumptown Games Machine was shut down by Ngmoco. With the alluded game rainbow goal being to now rebuild the app studio and make games they want to play themselves . Little Chomp is the fulfillment of that desire.

Essentially a hybridization of a puzzle and action game your goal is to get Little Chomp to spring his way to the top of the trees found in various locations like Chompwood Forest. Imagine a Doodle Jump where you decide which platform to jump to next and progression is under your own steam and you get the idea.

A vibrant world and enemies await
 Graphically both the caterpillar whom you play, the world and enemies are brightly coloured and filled with personality. With an insect being the main character without a certain likability, even with superior playability, an app would fall flat on its face. 

With enormous teeth contrasting with his fragile body Little Chomp looks like the cute second cousin of Death Worm and is a worthy and likable protagonist. Quick puzzling will help you to get to the tree top and avoid the multitude of Enemies along the way including tree frogs, spiders, bees, nut flinging squirrels and more. There's a big variety in the enemies with some static, some actively hunting you and some even flinging missiles ( those nut hurling squirrels). Luckily variety also comes in the form of numerous Power ups such as health increases or once a level stun moves. The coins you collect can be used to unlock these powerups and the fruit you find along the way to create new and beautifully drawn colourful butterflies.

What is particularly likable about the game is the ever changing challenges that each level brings. You might be asked to collect coins or speed to the top or any other amount of challenges which really adds to the gamification of the app.

Clutchplay's first foray as a studio is the perfect example of what an experienced but once regimented design team can accomplish when the call to indiefication beckons.


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  2. I love how Little Chomp combines puzzle and action gameplay for such a fun experience.


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