Monday, 24 December 2012

Escape the car cheats

Escape the Car lends a lot of interesting ideas to the hidden object genre, it's difficult though so needs a guide for sure! It's proving quite the hit as a flash game, so we're sure it will make it as a mobile app sooner or later. We've got our guide together to finding and using all of those items that you will need.

Escape the Car items

  • The flashlight can be found  in the console in the middle of the two front seats. 
    Screwdriver-On the left of the back seat.
    Utility Knife-Underneath the driver's seat beneath the mat. Use this to find and remove the Escape the Car Wiring Guide on the car's ceiling in the rear.
    Key: In the back seat compartment you'll locate the cigarette lighter, take off the cap to find it.This key unlocks the glove box, where you'll find electrical tape and batteries that power the torch.

How to power the Car

  • The wiring guide shows you how to hotwire the car. The screws beneath the steering wheel must be removed with a screwdriver, then connect the red, blue, gray and green wires by clicking on them. The connections must be secured with electrical tape. The pink, white and yellow wires should not be connected.

    Finishing Your Escape
  • Examine the dashboard on the car. The "E" on the fuel gauge is circled, and the speedometer is frozen at 40 mph. These are the clues that you'll need to get into the boot of the car. Enter them into the hidden keypad: Cut the straps on the small center seat console using the utility knife, then remove the seat to reveal a keypad. Type in "E40" and press the "Enter" key to access the trunk. The torch will light it up, use it to light up , but also to break the cracked light on your left, earning a car key. Placed the key in the ignition, and the car powers on; operate the trunk release beneath the steering wheel. Climb out through the trunk and escape from the car.


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