
Friday, 11 January 2013

Clash of Clans Heroes Update 2013

Fancy using a Barbarian King or Archer Queen Hero in Clash of Clans? The new 2013 Clash update is a massive New Year start to Supercells's popular game. Now there's even more reasons to upgrade your Town Hall!
Clash of Clans Dark Elixir
To get access to these new heroes you'll need to get Dark Elixir. Luckily even lower levels can just steal this from other players as you'll be able to build a dark elixir storage at just Town Halll level 7. To build the dark elixir drill you'll need to be a level 8.
More wall defences
If like me you've laboured hard and spent a lot of gold on building your wall defences to the max you'll be shocked/surprised that even more Clash of Clans wall defences are ow available. It's not just any decor stores cheap cosmetic upgrade as these walls mean business with a formidable Spikes of Pain and Flaming Magma upgrade available. The games upgrade also now gives you access to more upgrades and additional Xbows.
How to get Clash of Clans Heroes
The new game upgrade allows you to recruit and improve the Barbarian King and Archer Queen. You'll either need to steal Dark elixir for this-in which case a dark elixir storage will need to be built. Or drill for it-if your town hall is a level 8 you can build a drill.
Who's your best Clan Member?
Now Clan members who donate more troops will be given a score and an additional achievement has been opened up for benefactors.

The bad news...
Say goodbye to the Unpleasant present and Santa Spell! Winter is now over and Clash of Clans is no longer so festive so no Yuletide theme remains. Clash on!

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