
Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Connecting at #Appsworld

A lucrative day of connecting with Indie developers, mobile start ups , bootstrap peers,big tech companies, Microsoft,Android, Trip Hawkins,Steve Wozniak, Microsoft Surface, Rasperry Pi man. Slashdot, Virtuix, and so much more at Appsworld. We that live in this fast paced world of mobile apps and bleeding edge technology so often lose site of the human side of all that we do.
The world is changing and the economic priniciples and learning skills that were once cherished are now making way for something new...and hopefully better. Just don't lose site of the fact that despite all of our gizmos, gadgets and tech that at the end of the day we as the human user still are that , merely human and with all the brilliance that entails.
Oh, and great to finally meet Rob Shoesmith of Medl Mobile and curse you for those two pints that were ever so tasty but cost two hours of good blogging time! Hangwithme ...

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