
Sunday, 20 October 2013

How can social media improve your app downloads?

By no means is this a case study of the insane marketing of GTA V (that's been Don in myriad ways by other sources), but just some observations that you might find beneficial to your own game/app downloads.
Googling a random question out of meandering curiosity (in this case "What age is Trevor Phillips GTA V"? a) early 40s) I stumbled across Trevor Phillips' Twitter Account and Facebook page.
Now it seems that RockStar are still having a lot of fun playing with their creations and the Twitter account of GTA V's  Trevor especially is filled with the type of narcissistic, crazed, sociopathy of the "real" Trevor. They've broken/blurred the boundary between a fictional character and real world social media, now of course that's not the formula for Rockstar's success, but just like Ridiculous Fishing's Byrdr social media campaign the continued use of real world accounts with a fictitious game universe shows a coherent dialogue between developers and players. Of course with its violent stigma you'd think that RockStar would be adverse to blurring real world boundaries too much in case ( and this is certainly an odds on medical chance with all of its sales) one of its players takes the literalness too far...
So how does your app/game use social media to enhance the narrative with your end users?

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